Far North Inspections Ltd

Often purchasing a house can be one of the biggest investments you will make. It makes sense to find out as much information as possible about your investment. Pre-purchase House Inspections from Far North Inspections will inform you of issues that may otherwise go unnoticed during initial visits. This will give you confidence and peace of mind when entering into negotiations.
Your real estate agent, solicitor or finance company may recommend a qualified inspection of a property as a condition of your Sale & Purchase agreement. For peace of mind and for security. Far North Inspections reports are sent via email and if requested a hard copy can be sent via post usually within 3 working days of request. If the Sale and Purchase agreement has a pre purchase inspection or building report as a condition, then time needs to be allowed to assess the information in the report.

Pre-Sale House Inspections

Having a Pre-sale House Inspection by Far North Inspections will help identify any problems, defects or repairs that may need to be rectified prior to listing your property. This will save time and will give you confidence and certainty with your pricing structure when listing your property and heading to the negotiating table.
Moisture Testing
The Far North Inspection Team are trained extensively to use a Trotec T660 moisture meter, which is used throughout all our inspected properties. We believe this particular type of meter to be one of the best non invasive moisture meters in the industry. This meter is used around windows, doors, toilet areas, bathrooms and hot water storage units. It is used non-invasively and can be a good indicator of the presence of moisture and/or water ingress behind wall linings.
Repair and maintain your existing home with our Home Health Check inspections
In order to protect your investment, your property must be maintained by law. The NZ Building code places a legal obligation on building owners to ensure that buildings continually meet the function and performance requirements of the code.
Owners need to carry out regular maintenance to ensure the building stays weathertight and habitable to comply with the Building code. Far North Inspections recommend an Inspection Health Check by one of our experienced Inspectors of your property every seven years. This ensures your investment retains its integrity and value and you the owner have peace of mind.